Character Quotes – All Who Are Lost
Don’t tell me what’s good or proper for me, I don’t care! I did the right and good and proper thing, and all I got was twelve years of trying to be someone I wasn’t and trying to love someone I couldn’t. I’d take the chance, Richard, if you ever wanted me, I’d destroy the world and laugh among the ashes.
Laura St. Bride
I was in love once, you know that. I’ve been in love with one woman in my life, and what a disaster that turned out to be. I don’t trust being in love. I don’t trust feeling that the world is well lost for love, because I nearly lost the world for it, and it wasn’t worth it. Still—
Richard Ashmore
Your marriage is dead, Richard! Di is gone. You haven’t let her go, you’ve spent all these years in limbo waiting for her to straighten up and come back to you, and those years are gone too, she’ll never give them back!
Laura St. Bride
I’m no good with the truth, never have been.
Diana Ashmore
Did I love my father, tyrannical, charming, manipulative, utterly and completely selfish? Oh, yes. I was my mother’s daughter. No matter what he did, I feared him, I adored him.
Did I love Richard, handsome, intelligent, courteous, the answer to a maiden’s prayer? No. I was my father’s daughter. Most of the time, I just wanted to smash his face in.
Diana Ashmore
Tell me all about it.
Lucy Maitland
I’m his mistress.
Laura St. Bride at Monticello
That’s right. I brought Francie here. Now I’ve brought you. I’ve also brought my aunts from Ireland, my mother’s garden club, and, on one particularly hideous trip, Julie’s Brownie Scout troop. I’ve brought lots of people. So I brought Francie. What of it?
Richard Ashmore at Monticello
Well, I doubt those other trips were quite the same.
Laura St. Bride at Monticello
Was I, the wife, the last to know?
Diana Ashmore